On-site-visit / Consultation

With professionals to your individual dream facility

Planning and building in outdoor areas in Germany require extensive involvement from various specialised authorities. We have been working with highly experienced partners for a long time to prepare these specialist reports.

In Germany, equestrian centres and farms for keeping horses are generally checked very critically, a well-founded planning application that directly answers all these questions with its documents and attachments is the basic requirement for a successful conclusion to the process.

In Germany, this is one of our daily tasks. Outside Germany, we work together with an architect of your choice.

Pferde die auf einer Weide stehen, Reitanlage, individuelle Traumanlage

On-site-visit / Consultation

Impressions become ideas
We determine the optimal design scope for your project during our initial on-site meeting. We assess the site in terms of desired development, access, accessibility, topography, existing flora, and applicable legislation. Our modifications during this process serve to improve the clarity, conciseness, and formality of the text without altering the core message. Our approach leads to the best possible outcome. We will provide you with honest information about what is feasible, and then work together to tackle your project.

The foundation for your building project
We will create a master plan for you, presented on a scale of 1:500, which provides an overview of all buildings, paths, and open spaces, including any existing structures. This master plan serves as the basis for your building project and as a cohesive overall concept for an initial discussion with building authorities. Based on this plan, we will collect ideas, examine alternative solutions, and leave room for your individual preferences. The preliminary planning is the next step to look forward to.

Your project takes shape…
During the planning phase, we will confidently develop a drawing solution for your project on a 1:200 scale, taking into account design, functionality, technical requirements, and economic considerations. We will use the master plan to create floor plans and elevations, giving the facility its distinctive appearance. Throughout this phase, we will maintain close collaboration between you and the planner. The preliminary planning is a crucial component of the preliminary building application and lays the foundation for the subsequent service phase, the design planning.

Your project becomes reality 
We will create a 3D visualization of your riding facility upon request.
Our powerful computer programs and dedicated employees will develop a photorealistic representation during the planning phase. This will provide you with a clear understanding of the external impact of your equestrian facility, including color concepts, integration into the landscape, dimensions, and materials used.
A 3-5 minute short film will provide a virtual tour of your riding facility, showcasing its layout, lighting, and other key features. This will allow you to visualize your project before construction begins.

Planning security for your investment
It should be noted that building in outdoor areas is generally prohibited in Germany. To ensure planning security for your investment, it is crucial to clarify the admissibility under planning law with a preliminary building application.
We will prepare a verifiable preliminary building application for you, which will consist of construction drawings, operating descriptions, cost calculations, and answers to all the questions required to assess your building project under planning law. With our many years of experience in planning outdoor construction projects, you can be confident in the feasibility of your project at an early stage.

With expertise and attention to detail
The preliminary planning phase forms the basis for design planning. Our team of experts pays close attention to detail to ensure a feasible design drawing, including floor plans, elevations, and sections on a 1:100 scale. This provides a detailed overview of the building’s interior layout, visualising functions and processes in terms of practicality, efficiency, and aesthetics with confidence.

We will handle the entire process of obtaining planning permission for you.

You can trust us to navigate the complex German system of multiple authorities and departments involved in the process, including the building authority, Chamber of Agriculture, landscape, nature and water protection authorities, veterinary office, and fire protection departments. Our team will prepare and submit all necessary building application documents, engage in discussions with the relevant authorities, and obtain the required authorisations under public law. In Germany, we collaborate with specialised partner offices for expert planning in fire protection, immission control, drainage, statics, surveying, and landscape conservation.

Some of the procedures described here relate exclusively to German building laws and regulations.
In all other Countries, EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG supervises your project from the planning to the final design phase.
Once this has been completed to your satisfaction, your local architect who is familiar with the specific requirements of your country will receive digital files from us on site in accordance with international standards for further use and for obtaining authorization in accordance with all local regulations.
Needless to say, we will gladly assist you with any questions you may have in this project phase.

Specialised planning

(only in Germany) Abroad we need local partners

In Germany, all of these specialist contributions are required for planning applications in outdoor areas.
In all other Countries, EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG supervises your project from the planning to the final design phase and then need local partners.
Once this has been completed to your satisfaction, your local architect who is familiar with the specific requirements of your country will receive digital files from us on site in accordance with international standards for further use and for obtaining authorization in accordance with all local regulations.
Needless to say, we will gladly assist you with any questions you may have in this project phase.

The Landscape Conservation Plan regulates the measures required for construction projects in outdoor areas where interventions in nature and the landscape are unavoidable. Our plan presents strong measures for minimising interventions, protecting and compensating for any damage caused, and replacing any lost natural features. The Landscape Conservation Plan is a crucial and effective part of the planning application. We collaborate with reputable partner offices and landscape architects to ensure its success.

Fire protection includes measures to prevent and contain fires, rescue people and animals, and enable effective extinguishing. Our fire protection concept is an integral part of the building application. We work with reputable partner offices and fire protection engineers to ensure compliance with safety standards.

In Germany, outdoor horse businesses must demonstrate economic viability and be profit-oriented in order to be licensed. It is important to note that hobby activities are not eligible for authorization. During the preliminary building enquiry or building application, specialist authorities will thoroughly check the economic viability. To ensure that your business is economically viable, a profitability calculation that takes all factors into account can be prepared by your tax consultant, expert, or one of our partner offices that specialize in equestrian businesses.

Immission refers to the impact of pollution, noise, radiation and other emissions on the environment. More and more frequently, an immission report is required in the authorisation procedure. Complex measurements and computer-controlled processes graphically depict the additional environmental impact caused by horse farms. Specialised partner offices with engineers for waste management and immissions are available.

Subsoil is a crucial aspect of building construction in civil engineering. The load-bearing capacity, water permeability, and subsoil behaviour all have a significant impact on the foundation and surface water infiltration. To ensure the best results, exploratory drilling is recommended as the basis for subsoil expertise.

When constructing an equestrian centre, it is crucial to consider the proper discharge of rainwater into the groundwater or a public watercourse. This requires subsoil expertise and feasible plans developed in consultation with the responsible authorities. We can confidently establish contact with specialized planning offices in Germany to assist with this process.

In Germany, EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG typically prepares the site plan, displaying the buildings and structures to scale on the property, including the distance between the buildings and property boundaries. To ensure compliance, an official site plan must be created by a publicly appointed surveyor if building encumbrances, parcel mergers, boundary determinations, or exemptions are required.

Glückliche Kunden einer Reitanlage durch planung von Equus Design Planung

EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG works hand in hand with various specialist engineers and experts and offers holistic solutions to get your project off the ground with the highest level of expertise.

(only in Germany) Abroad we need local partners