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Your partner for horse-friendly planning projects

Equus Design Planung

Welcome to

Your partner for horse-friendly planning projects

Equus Design Planung

In the beginning, an idea grows.
Now it is the goal.
Are you planning a project?

Lothar Bruns | Managing Director

+49 (0)2532 964858-0
In the beginning, an idea grows.
Now it is the goal.
You are planning a project?
Lothar Bruns | Managing Director
+49 (0)2532 964858-0

We create

with a lot of passion and experience

small and big dreams.

EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG is an internationally successful planning office for equestrian and stud facilities of all kinds. Specialising in the requirements and problem solutions of national and international customers, we are your contact for advice, planning and support in the realisation of your dream project in the variety of equestrian sports.

EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG has already planned customised equestrian facilities for many professional riders in the fields of dressage, show jumping, cross-country and western riding and supported the clients in their realisation. However, our portfolio also includes boarding farms for horses, horse clinics, rehabilitation centres, complex facilities for driving as well as numerous plans for performance and training centres, riding clubs, polo and racing facilities.

Would you simply like to add a horse walker to your existing riding centre? Please contact us, we will be happy to support you with the necessary application!

Are you planning a project?
+49 (0)2532 964858-0

We create

with a lot of passion and experience

small and big dreams.

EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG is an internationally successful planning office for equestrian and stud facilities of all kinds.

Specialising in the requirements and problem solutions of national and international customers, we are your contact for advice, planning and support in the realisation of your dream project in the variety of equestrian sports.

EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG has already planned customised equestrian facilities for many professional riders in the fields of dressage, show jumping, cross-country and western riding and supported the clients in their realisation.

However, our portfolio also includes boarding farms for horses, horse clinics, rehabilitation centres, complex facilities for driving as well as numerous plans for performance and training centres, riding clubs, polo and racing facilities.

Would you simply like to add a horse walker to your existing riding centre? Please contact us, we will be happy to support you with the necessary application!

Are you planning a project?
+49 (0)2532 964858-0

“The team of EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG impressed us with their innovative ideas and their consideration of our individual ideas. The result is not just the concept of a modern riding centre, but a yard with character and charm. We would recommend to anyone to plan with this super competent team.”

Carina und Michael Wimmer, Erkelenz

“Many thanks for this first-class planning service, including all the necessary authorisations in a complicated spatial environment. The morbid charm of previous generations has been transformed into an impressive farmstead for the future.”

Tarquin Cosack, Rittergut Wildshausen, Arnsberg

“Not only the technical knowledge of Mr Bruns’ entire team, but also his extremely good nerves – this was very much in demand during the planning permission phase, here the building authority in Lüneburg – has impressed and convinced me and my family time and time again.”

Nikolai Bosse (Auszug)

“The company “EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG” was a reliable support in the realisation of my riding facility in Münster – Mauritz. From the approval planning to the building application – Lothar Bruns and his team always worked in a solution-orientated, consistent and sustainable manner, so that I am always happy to come back to him.”

Karin Ernsting, European Youngsters

„We wanted an equestrian center whose functional planning is done with high professionalism and quality without compromise – Equus Design Planung was an obvious choice for our project. And I am very satisfied, rejoices.”

Heidi Taipale, founder of Wesunda Dressage Center Finland

„Ich möchte mich noch einmal für die überaus angenehme Zusammenarbeit bedanken.

Durch das hohe Maß an Fachkompetenz und Rechtssicherheit im gesamten Bauprozess habe ich mich bei Ihnen und Ihrem Team zu jeder Zeit sehr gut aufgehoben gefühlt. Sobald das nächste Projekt ansteht, werde ich mit Sicherheit auf Sie zukommen.

Stephan Böckmann, Münster

„Die Zusammenarbeit mit Equus Design für die Planung meiner neuem Reitanlage war eine reine Freude. Schon beim ersten Besuch von Herrn Bruns auf dem völlig vermüllten Gelände hatte Herr Bruns die gleichen Visionen wie ich. Meine selbstgebastelten Pläne wurden schnell in professionelles Format umgesetzt und auch meine Änderungswünsche immer wieder geduldig diskutiert und ausgeführt. Die fertige Reitanlage inklusive Aussenanlagen ist der absolute Traum! Vor allem das schwierige Prozedere der Bewilligungen konnte ich zusammen mit Herrn Bruns gut meistern. Zur Umsetzung eines Lebenstraumes, wie meine Reitanlage, absolut zu empfehlen!“

Franziska Wagener, Schönwalde

“Großes Engagement und viel Herzblut des EQUUS Design Teams fließt in die Durchsetzung unseres Bauvorhabens gegenüber den Behörden. Die Umsetzung unserer doch manchmal recht chaotischen Ideen in ein ordentlich strukturiertes kleines Gestüt sind einfach nur klasse geworden. Vielen Dank auch für die professionellen Ideen und Änderungsvorschläge. Die sehr gut durchdachte 3D Animation war extrem hilfreich und absolut lohnenswert, um unserem Rohdiamanten den letzten Schliff zu verpassen.“

Jessica und Stephanie Oelkers GbR GoldenSunshineRanch – PerformanceHorses

„Herr Bruns, ich kann Ihnen und Ihrem Team nur die allerhöchste Hochachtung aussprechen, wie professionell Sie unser Projekt auf die grüne Wiese gezaubert haben. Die Anforderungen waren aufgrund der Geländegegebenheiten schon herausfordernd, die Lösung wurde von unserem Team und von der Gemeinde Porszombat als sehr gelungen bezeichnet.“

Wolfgang Binder, Österreich

It is a pleasure and a luxury to work with the entire EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG team and especially with Mr. Bruns, with whom we manage to give greater efficiency in the creation of new projects and equestrian centers in Spain.

Nuria Humet

„Besonders hervorzuheben ist der persönliche Einsatz von Ihnen und Ihrem Team in der Umsetzung und Bearbeitung unseres Bauvorhabens gegenüber aller beteiligten Behörden und Firmen”.

Reinhild Jerzinowski

„Wahnsinn nach dieser langen Zeit und dieser ganzen vielen Arbeit für die ich Ihnen unfassbar dankbar bin!!!!!!!“

Lisa Kullmann, Spangenberg

Icon eines Pferdes
Icon eines Pferdes
We provide

support from the desired service phase to specialised planning

your dream project.

As specialists in planning and authorisation for equestrian sports, horse keeping and horse breeding, we work closely with a large team of experts from various specialist areas. As a result, we are able to provide all the specialist contributions required by the authorities for planning permission, even if we do not prepare them ourselves. We arrange the contact, obtain quotations, provide the specialist companies with the planning and harmonise it with any special requirements so that the building application is submitted to the responsible authority as a coherent overall concept.
If you wish, we can support you from the desired PERFORMANCE PHASE through to SPECIFIC PLANNING – virtually everything from a single source.

We provide

support from the desired service phase to specialised planning

your dream project.

As specialists in planning and authorisation for equestrian sports, horse keeping and horse breeding, we work closely with a large team of experts from various specialist areas. As a result, we are able to provide all the specialist contributions required by the authorities for planning permission, even if we do not prepare them ourselves. We arrange the contact, obtain quotations, provide the specialist companies with the planning and harmonise it with any special requirements so that the building application is submitted to the responsible authority as a coherent overall concept.
If you wish, we can support you from the desired PERFORMANCE PHASE through to SPECIFIC PLANNING – virtually everything from a single source.

Which project

from a private open stable to a performance centre for riding and driving

can we plan for you?

A well-planned equestrian facility, whether a private stable, stud farm, rehabilitation centre or equine clinic, takes into account all the key wishes and needs of riders and horses right from the start.

In our planning, the principles – equine-friendly, contemporary, future-orientated and economical – are our top priority.
Together, we create the basis for a facility that is completely customised to your needs, your riding focus, horse keeping and accommodation as well as their care.

Below you will find a compact overview of some of the equestrian centres whose planning is part of the EQUUS portfolio.
Please feel free to arrange an initial consultation with us to discuss your individual ideas.

Are you planning a project?
+49 (0)2532 964858-0

Which project

from a private open stable
to a performance centre
for riding and driving

can we plan for you?

A well-planned equestrian facility, whether a private stable, stud farm, rehabilitation centre or equine clinic, takes into account all the key wishes and needs of riders and horses right from the start.

In our planning, the principles – equine-friendly, contemporary, future-orientated and economical – are our top priority.
Together, we create the basis for a facility that is completely customised to your needs, your riding focus, horse keeping and accommodation as well as their care.

Below you will find a compact overview of some of the equestrian centres whose planning is part of the EQUUS portfolio.
Please feel free to arrange an initial consultation with us to discuss your individual ideas.

Are you planning a project?
+49 (0)2532 964858-0

When dreamed wishes

as a 3D animation beforehand

become projects.

With our broad expertise, we are your perfect partner for all central consulting and planning services as well as for support services during the realisation phase of your dream riding facility.
We also offer you a special service for the preliminary planning of your equestrian centre! After discussing your personal wishes and the requirements for your new riding or stable facility, we can create a detailed 3D animation of your preliminary design on request. This animation will give you a precise idea of what your dreams could look like in reality long before the construction phase begins.
For us, each of these services means putting you at the centre. We find suitable solutions for your requirements, new opportunities and paths. Together we work on your wishes and turn them into reality. That is our commitment to your goal and our promise of quality as an internationally active equestrian centre specialist.

When dreamed wishes

as a 3D animation beforehand

become projects.

With our broad expertise, we are your perfect partner for all central consulting and planning services as well as for support services during the realisation phase of your dream riding facility.
We also offer you a special service for the preliminary planning of your equestrian centre! After discussing your personal wishes and the requirements for your new riding or stable facility, we can create a detailed 3D animation of your preliminary design on request. This animation will give you a precise idea of what your dreams could look like in reality long before the construction phase begins.
For us, each of these services means putting you at the centre. We find suitable solutions for your requirements, new opportunities and paths. Together we work on your wishes and turn them into reality. That is our commitment to your goal and our promise of quality as an internationally active equestrian centre specialist.

We plan

innovative ideas for the future

one step ahead.

Our EQUUS team is always up to date when it comes to innovative and creative solutions for modern equestrian centres. Whether it’s an “ebb and flow system” for your riding surfaces, newly conceived stable systems or the disposal or further processing of horse manure. We will be happy to show you solutions that will allow you to think one step further into the future and make your project a flagship in the field of modern equestrian centres. We regularly report on exciting trends and developments here in our EQUUS blog.

Do horses like to eat fish?…

Here is a little anecdote that caused confusion on the part of the building authorities... An agricultural business must prove that it has enough land available to theoretically produce 1/3 of the roughage required for its animals itself. So our clients have to prove that they have their own land and, if necessary, leased land.

Did you actually know… ?

... that you also need planning permission to build a riding arena, for example? An outdoor riding arena is not a classic "building", you may be thinking. And of course you're right ...

Away from the “usual”… ?

(Feel free to broaden your horizons with us...) The "standard rider" sometimes finds it difficult to deviate from what has been tried and tested for decades. That's perfectly fine, and we are completely with you and your wishes and ideas.

Do horses like to eat fish?…

Here is a little anecdote that caused confusion on the part of the building authorities... An agricultural business must prove that it has enough land available to theoretically produce 1/3 of the roughage required for its animals itself. So our clients have to prove that they have their own land and, if necessary, leased land.

No heart for bees…

At the request of Diakonie, a farmer in Castrop-Rauxel made 1/2 hectare of his land available so that employees could carry out a project there in preparation for the second labor market.

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