Horse clinic, Rehabilitation centre, Riding therapy center

Promoting health and getting well.

Promoting health and
getting well.

At EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG, almost everything revolves around horse health and well-being. But sometimes the focus is also on people and the horses serve as therapists. Ultimately, it’s all about health and getting well.

Horse clinics

Sometimes things have to happen quickly.


If a colic occurs or an injury is discovered on your four-legged partner that needs to be treated immediately, the equine clinic is the right place to go. As in human medicine, emergency medicine for serious cases or acute wound care is available here around the clock. The equine clinic therefore offers the care that an outpatient veterinarian cannot provide (or cannot provide quickly enough).

A veterinary clinic needs a well thought-out infrastructure. Not all animal patients need to be admitted as inpatients, sometimes only more complex diagnostic imaging is required.

A first impression of lameness can be obtained on the trotting track or in the exercise arena. However, this is only an external impression.

A well-equipped equine clinic therefore has appropriate examination rooms for X-rays, computer tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, endoscopy, laparoscopy or even scintigraphy (nuclear medical examination), which are used to diagnose unclear, sometimes difficult to find or recurring lameness and rideability problems.

Tierarzt untersucht Pferdebein - Gesundheit und Wohl im Fokus
Fassade der Pferdeklinik mit modernem Design und Pferdeunterkunft
Rehabilitationsraum für Pferde mit modernen Therapiegeräten
Is an operation necessary?
Is an operation necessary?

Well-equipped operating theatres, which should be connected to the anaesthetic boxes by a crane runway and have a soundproofed compressor room, preparation rooms for the operating specialists, sterilization facilities for the surgical instruments and laboratories for examining the samples taken should be planned in such a way that the best possible care can be provided within short distances.

Easy-to-clean areas for pre- and post-operative care close to the operating theatre complement successful planning.

Of course, as in any other horse stable, boxes of sufficient size, grooming and washing areas, feeding chambers and storage for hay and straw are part of the basic equipment for the “patients” undergoing inpatient treatment.
In addition, there is an extra accessible quarantine area and, even if you don’t like to read it here, a refrigerated cadaver room.

Depending on their size and qualifications, veterinary clinics can of course also specialize in specific fields. Ophthalmology, dentistry, stem cell therapy, surgery, orthopaedics, internal medicine, intensive foal care ….

EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG combines your requirements and specializations to create a functional clinic.

Erdgeschossplan einer Pferdeklinik spezialisiert auf Pferde
Außenansicht eines Rhea-Zentrums für Pferde mit Therapieausstattung.

Rehab center

When the “sport-partner horse” needs a break.

After a demanding competition season, prolonged illness or complex injuries, there are increasingly better rehabilitation measures for horses.

The same conditions for keeping horses apply here, even if the stay is limited in time. Stall sizes, cleaning and grooming areas, tack room with lockable saddle lockers for personal equipment, horse solarium / washing area, feed room and blanket storage should also be taken into account in the planning.

Grundriss einer Pferdeklinik mit Detailplanung für Pferdebehandlung

The horses can undergo treatments such as magnetic field therapy, chiropractic, osteopathy, acupuncture, aqua therapy or inhalation in the sole chamber. Guided, careful and gentle training is possible through the use of treadmills, vibrating plates, water treadmills and/or the aqua trainer. All of this quickly gets the horse back on its feet.

The experienced team at EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG will be happy to support you in planning your individually designed rehabilitation center according to your wishes and specifications.

Pferd in Aquatherapie - Rehabilitation und Heilung im Wasser

Riding Therapy Center

Strengthening horses.

Therapeutic riding encompasses the elements of education, medicine and sport. Horses are particularly sensitive and attentive animals that are very well suited as animal therapists. Together with experienced riding therapists, they support people with physical and mental disabilities.

The social and therapy areas are also immensely important when planning a riding therapy center. There should be a heated lounge for incoming guests. Many come in groups or accompanied.

In some cases, it makes more sense for the accompanying person not to be in the exercise room during therapy to reduce distractions and allow full concentration on the animal companion and the therapist.

Therapeutisches Reiten zur Unterstützung von Menschen mit Behinderung. Reittherapie mit Pferd
Planungsansicht eines Reittherapie-Zentrums mit Mehrzweckbereichen
Planungsansicht eines Reittherapie-Zentrums mit Mehrzweckbereichen
Planungsansicht eines Reittherapie-Zentrums mit Mehrzweckbereichen

Depending on the therapy plan (hippotherapy, integrative vaulting as a popular sport, remedial or therapeutic riding), participants may need a gymnastics room to warm up before getting on horseback? Perhaps you also offer courses to promote psychomotor skills?

EQUUS DESIGN PLANUNG take all your wishes and priorities into account.

It goes without saying that the entire facility should be barrier-free. From the climbing aid in the riding arena to the lift for guests with limited motor skills… Everyone should be able to climb onto the therapy horse with ease.

An administration area with office space is useful for the logistics of appointments, billing with health insurance companies, initial and therapy consultations.

Reittherapie mit Pferden unterstützt Menschen mit Einschränkungen Reittherapie mit Pferd